The saying goes "You never get a second chance to make a first impression". Similarly in branding yourself you want to make sure that when people meet you their first impression is your Brand. A snapshot into who you are and what you represent. Self-Branding takes insight into how people view you and your professional life at a glance. A simple way to start creating your Brand is to Google yourself. See what pops up and what the world sees. A glimpse into who you might be. Then think about what you want the world to see. Think about your most prominent attributes that set you apart from others; your friends, your coworkers, your competitive career market. Write them down and then review your work history. Compare and contrast your "Brand" with what you have done. Where and when did your Brand shine? Your Brand should be something that you can describe in a short "elevator speech". When you introduce yourself in a networking opportunity you can use this short, snapshot into who you are professionally to sell yourself and make your Brand (YOU!) enticing.
Like any product your brand needs to demonstrate consistency throughout your marketing platforms: LinkedIn, Facebook, your resume, etc. Clean up your accounts, edit photos, remove posts that might shed you in a negative light or anything that might slam past companies and work experiences, because recruiters are looking at you and this might be their only first impression!
My career coaching services through Executive Coaching Insight, Inc. can help guide you through your branding, the first step in finding your next opportunity. I can help you better understand the power of your Brand. How to stand out better and differently than anyone else. If you need help with your branding contact me directly, or attend one of my networking events, and let me help guide you through the process of professional self-discovery!